About Phil Favorite

philmugPhil Favorite is a content specialist, project manager and communications expert with a knack for getting to the heart of the story and producing results for his clients. Whether it’s a one-page press release, a 1,20o-word newspaper feature or production leadership on an 80-page magazine, Phil’s expertise has led to the success of thousands of media projects over the course of his career.

For 17 years as a writer, editor and designer at The Oregonian, one of the West Coast’s largest newspapers, Phil delivered the stories of some of Portland’s biggest personalities to millions of readers. Now a freelance content creator, he goes behind the news to highlight the freshest trends, ideas and personalities and brings those stories to life on the digital media landscape.

Do you have a story that needs to be told well and brought a bigger audience? Contact Phil at 503–659-5433 or by email at philfavorite@gmail.com, or connect with him at Facebook and LinkedIn.